tomorrow is the last day of november, and honestly, i'm pretty darn sad to see it go.I've had a grand November. A November that has changed a lot of things for me. A November that has made me realize some of my dreams and goals. A November that has made me
What November has done:
-made me realize the passion I have for the University of Texas at Austin
-forced me to appreciate my macbook to the highest extent
-given me tendonitis in my left hand
-given me 147 pages of pure happiness
-forced me to pound out 51,245 words
-made me want more than anything to be an author
-taught me to write despite bad days.
-made me create one really wretchedly bad piece of art
-gave me a rebound piece to remind myself I don't suck
-made me really, honestly proud of something
-at the same time made me incredibly embarassed about said something.
-taught me that sometimes, all creativity needs is a change in scenery.
-brought me the first baby to ever like me more than my sister
-taught me that sometimes, its better to let Whole Foods cater some of Thanksgiving and actually enjoy your time
-brought me to the threshold of creativity and forced me to push through it.
but most of all....
November gave me the first draft of my novel. The first draft of my baby.
Now, I enter the two week no touch-all think portion of the novel writing world. It's hard already. I miss my novel.
my. novel.