24 September 2009

New blog, crazys!

"Art never improves, but... the material of art is never quite the same. "
-T.S. Eliot

A majority of my life has been spent in the blog
osphere.I began my
first blog in the seventh grade, and have been semi-consistently blogging ever since. However, I've always spent my blogging days sporatically and disjointed.

This is senior year.

This is the year to determine what material the rest of my life
will be made of. The year to make decisions and to pick our material. This is a year for creativity. Hence, the new blog. The new venue is a necessary and important part of this revitalization. An important step to this change.

This is art year.

When I began this year I dreaded my design class. After spending all junior year building sculptures the thought of picking back up the paintbrush, or pen scared me. But I'm loving it. For the first time in a while I'm enjoying art. So, Hooray chamb-chamb! I've converted.

More pictures and posts to come. :)

1 comment:

  1. how'd you do that music? i'm glad you're bloggin again. i started blogging when i came to college but i'm already sick of it.
