01 January 2010

Ten Resolutions for 2010

1.finish the NOVEL! hopefully before May. and send it to an agent. and become a published author. Lofty I know, but hey, its worth a shot.

2.write a little bit every day... including blogging at least 4 times a week. real blogs, not cheap ones.

3. go to college.

4. work out twice a week. Monday/ Thursday: that can't be that hard right?

5. take more pictures. normally I really suck at taking pictures. but 2010. its my year. I need to take my pictures, and upload them here as a testament.

6. take more quiet time. I spend too much time hectic and not enough in thought. Maybe I can combine this and #4 by going on walks.

7. 1 book per week.

8. fill up all of the canvases in the art room

9. stop worrying so much.

10. Love.

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