22 January 2010


I'm avoiding.

For the past four weeks I have looked across my room. I do not touch it. I try not to think about it. I've begun getting shivers every time I touch it. I can go days without even mentioning it. Sometimes I cringe when dear friends ask about. But the worst, the absolute worst, was when I used to open it. Four weeks ago, I would run my hands across its printed pages and sigh deep sighs of relief. Four weeks ago, I used to enjoy having it under my arm and showing it off.

But now, as much as I hate myself for this, I fear it.  I haven't hit writer's block. No, I've been writing like crazy for four weeks. Short stories, and columns, and anecdotes. I've been pouring out words from my endlessly typing fingers. Yet, I cannot direct them where they need to be. I've read four books in four weeks. All about doing the one thing I cannot bring myself to do: EDIT.

So tonight-despite the fact that it is Friday and I should probably be off galavanting with my cronies- I'm going to stop banging my head against the wall and pick it up. That's step one: Pick it up. Step two: the first. five. pages. Step three: edit.

I'm hoping to get through step one.


  1. step 4, go to winter ball and see me

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Not to long ago, one of the people in a small group said, "You obey what you fear." This got my attention. I keep thinking about it. I thought about it again while reading your blog. Hmmm...

  4. step 5: come to arkansas to see me!
