Last week was a long week. Lately, all of the weeks seem to be taking increasing amounts of time. Every day seems to drag on with little productivity and lots of busy work. There is so much I know that I need to be doing, but so little I am actually interested in accomplishing. I really don't think I have caught the senioritis bug that seems to be going around-yet. But I can feel the beginnings of it.
Every year at this time of year I get a cold. Two days ago I woke up with a slightly sore throat and this morning I woke up with a runny nose and voice that decides for itself when it wants to work. Though I have not been properly diagnosed, I am really starting to believe I am alergic to one of those floating air molecules that comes from up north this time of year. Well, I've gotten the sore throat of senioritis. I'm beginning to feel that urge to leave. I'm enrolled in college. I- despite everyone else's dreams for my life- have made my college decision. I am ready to stop doing BCIS online, and waking up at six o'clock am to sit in classes.
So, feeling a bit downtrodden from my last few weeks, I invited a couple of friends over. I am lonely because the boy has been gone for a while now and I'm sick of school and annoyed with almost everything. So, I needed a bit of a pick-me-up. So for dinner: bell pepper, mushroom, and italian cheese stuffed chicken breasts, buttered smashed potatoes, sauteed veggies and foccocia bread. What better way to spend a Saturday evening watching the Miss America Pageant.

And, to top it all off, peach dump cake. Delicious.
I'm hoping that these nice nights may ward off my impending runny nose. And with it keep me a bit more content and happy with my surroundings.